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Dethatching & Power Raking
There are varying opinions on when to Dethatch.  We currently offer Power Raking and Dethatching first thing in the spring when lawns are dry enough to take equipment on them, but not actively growing.  Dethatching during the active growing season pulls and tears at the healthy grass which can cause added stress and damage.   We do not offer dethatching during the summer months or once the grass greens up and is actively growing.


Dethatching with a mower
Dethatching with power rake

Dethatching - Mower


Dethatching with a mower is the process of using a rake that is attached to the front end of a mower. This rake is pushed forward allowing the tines to dig into the soil and lift up any dead grass that is matted down. This helps nutrients to get into the soil quicker which will help your grass to grow in a healthier and fuller manner.


Dethatching with a mower starting at $75

*Sales tax for county of customer address will be added to invoice

Dethatching - Power Rake


Power raking is comparable to dethatching with a mower. However, it is generally viewed as a more efficient and a more gentle approach than mower dethatching. Power raking cuts swathes, or slices, into the thatch only on the surface of the soil whereas mower dethatching digs deeper into the soil and "rips" up the thatch.


Dethatching with a power rake starting at $100

*Sales tax for county of customer address will be added to invoice

Spruce It Up Lawn Maintenance, LLC of the Fox Valley, Wisconsin


​Telephone: ​920-213-0470



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